Whoa.. I was on my way home from the lecture at CCA on Weds night and ended up on the bottom of a drunken-ghetto fight on the 22. I was drawing my fellow passengers, as usual. A very drunk kid and his friends (not as drunk) got on at 16th and mission, and proceeded to harass people by spitting on them and pulling there hair! And then, of course, he starts talkin' shit to this other kid on the bus. This kid drops his books and threw down with the drunk one. Everyone was smart enough to flee the area, except me. I'm not too great with the reflexes and I can be extremely lazy. I wasn't gonna move for these two punks, I had waited for that bus for the last 45 minutes in the cold 11 p.m. SF weather and I was pissed and wanted to go home. So they started fighting in the set of seats directly across the aisle from mine. The direction of their momentum changes, and they land in my set of seats. On top of me, swinging at each other. At that point I started yelling at them, and my arm with my trusty pen was caught between them. Pen cap goes flying and I really hoped that I wouldn't stab one of them in the eye. Some very brave little hipster girl came to my rescue, pulling them off. They immediately exited the bus and everyone expressed their concern for me. I was only concerned with finding that damn pen cap and getting home. I have a nasty bruise on my left leg (not sure how that happened) but no other sign of injury. Yay for bus fistfights!